Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Creative Direction, Illustration

In conjunction with the yearly admission campaign, our team is responsible for the Open House website that includes an interactive map, which allows prospective students to participate and navigate through the school and its available courses in the comfort of their home.

Interactive Map

Visitors are able to click on the ‘hotspots’ throughout the campus to view the events & happenings, popular hangouts and even students and lectures favourite bubble tea shop!

By creating this isometric virtual world, our goal is to create a buzz amongst the young students who are about to step into the next level of life while also assist them in making better decisions for their future.


On top of the interactive map, our team is also responsible for the Open House website which prospective students can view their top course choices.

Working alongside one of the top ce- lebrity photographers in Singapore, the team is also involved in the planning of the overall art direction for the on-site photoshoot, which featured Ngee Ann Polytechnic students.
